26 paździe ika w godzinach 16:15-18:00 w sali 602,w ramach Seminarium z Analitycznych i Funkcjonalnych Metod Teorii Prawdopodobieństwa, odbędzie się wykład dr. Rafała Łochowskiego z Katedra Ekonomii Matematycznej SGH pt. On Truncated Variation of Brownian Motion with Drift.. Streszczenie: In the paper *On Truncated Variation of Brownian Motion with Drift* (Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 56 (2008), 267--281) we defined truncated variation of Brownian motion with drift. For positive $c$ we define two related quantities - upward and downward truncated variation. We prove that exponential moments of the above quantities are finite (in opposite to the regular variation, corresponding to Truncated Variation, which is infinite almost surely). We present estimates of the expected value of Upward Truncated Variation up to universal constants. As an application we give some estimates of the maximal possible gain from trading a financial asset in the presence of flat commission (proportional to the value of the transaction) when the dynamics of the prices of the asset follows a geometric Browniam motion process. In the presented estimates upward truncated variation appears naturally.