W imieniu Dziekana Wydziału serdecznie zapraszamy pracowników oraz studentów na pierwsze po dłuższej przerwie seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się we wtorek 12 października o godz.13:00 w Instytucie Informatyki, sala 25.
Prelegentem będzie dr Montejus Valiunas z Instytutu Matematycznego, który wygłosi wykład pt.
Finite Coxeter groups and applications to viruses.
Po wykładzie zapraszamy do obejrzenia wystawy Geometria wirusów w Galerii Łącznik, przygotowanej przez Prelegenta, oczywiście przy kawie i ciastkach.
A (finite) Coxeter group is a finite group of symmetries of a Euclidean space. Such a group is said to be crystallographic if it leaves some periodic tiling of the space invariant. Crystallographic and non-crystallographic Coxeter groups, while often studied together, each have their own merits: crystallographic groups have additional algebraic structure, whereas non-crystallographic ones, such as the group of reflections and rotations of an icosahedron, are important in some applications. A particular instance of the latter is modelling the structure of capsids of viruses, which often admit icosahedral symmetry.
In this talk, I will outline how one can use crystallographic groups in order to produce nested structures with a particular non-crystallographic symmetry. I will also mention some of the applications of this construction to virology and to arts. The talk is based on a multidisciplinary project, joint with Briony Thomas (arts), Reidun Twarock (biology) and Emilio Zappa (mathematics).